Thursday, May 19, 2016


Saya suka dia memang sedap..favourite la kiranya...selalunya aku suka beli frapuchino yg blended punya 2 siap dgn topping sekali 2.. dah la nmpak cantik..sedap plak 2...menyelerakan...tapi 2 la mahal.ckit..tmbah lagi aku suka ambil cup yg paling besar sekali...baru kali nie aku try coffee americano plak...agak pahit sikit tp boleh la sedap jgak..
Tp 2 la kn lg best kalau ada kwn yg suka coffee jgak...santai sama2 smbil mnum coffee...

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Years 2016

I'm back!!
Hello bloggers...I'm blogging again...May 2016,19 (Thursday)..
It's been around 3 years already that I hv missing from here...
Around this whole years, a lot of things hv happend to me bad and goods.... this year I'm already 25 years old...seem like I hv ages...but there's thing that doesn't change...i'm still me and always be...
Ok...this will be my introduction for my comeback...I'll update later...cause I currently working right now..hehe
See ya...:-)